So... I was at the gym yesterday working off some indiscretions with birthday cake when a staff member comes up to me, looking very concerned, and asked my name. When I told him, he said, "You have a call downstairs. He says it's an emergency." Flustered (and sweaty!) I grabbed my stuff and hurried down stairs, trying to appear cool but with every single terrible thing that could possibly happen tripping through my mind. I picked up the phone and I hear Juan say, "You need to come home. I need your key. I've locked Scarlett in the Jeep." I think I said a salty word, grabbed my keys and ran out to the car. I almost creamed a couple of elementary school kids on my way home. When I pulled up, there's Juan, standing by the Jeep, and inside, playing on the front seat and grinning at me, was Scarlett. The funniest part was, when I went to pull her out of the Jeep she made a fuss! She was having a great time!! We took a picture, but the glare kind of g...