
Showing posts from February, 2008

Scarlett's 1 year photos

Scarlett had her one year pictures taken on Thursday. She was a little bit of a booger (it's amazing how a usually smiling, giggling kid turns into a total grouch when there's a professional camera around) but I think I got some cute ones! If anyone (i.e. grandparents, mostly!) wants a copy, contact me and I'll tell you how to get to the website, etc.

Birthday Party

Saturday was Scarlett's first birthday party. It was a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone who came to make it such a fun time!! Scarlett really enjoyed herself, especially the cake. At first she didn't know what to do with it, then figured out that eating it was probably the best thing to do. She also got to eat mozarella sticks, taquitos and chocolate chip cookies. Let me tell you, the day AFTER the party was a big let down when she was back to oatmeal and yogurt!! Warning: Lots of pictures!! Scarlett was VERY interested in her balloons all day, even when she was still in PJ's. Scarlett giving her cousin Will a hug Will decided he had enough of Scarlett hugs, and Scarlett was very offended! Scarlett with Grandpa, Uncle Joe and Uncle Max The birthday cake. Mmmm, delicious!!! Figuring out the cake eating stuff! Once she warmed up, watch out!! her big gift from Noni her big gift from Nana and Grandpa And, at the end of the day, fun with the balloons again! I wish she cou...

Funny Story...

So... I was at the gym yesterday working off some indiscretions with birthday cake when a staff member comes up to me, looking very concerned, and asked my name. When I told him, he said, "You have a call downstairs. He says it's an emergency." Flustered (and sweaty!) I grabbed my stuff and hurried down stairs, trying to appear cool but with every single terrible thing that could possibly happen tripping through my mind. I picked up the phone and I hear Juan say, "You need to come home. I need your key. I've locked Scarlett in the Jeep." I think I said a salty word, grabbed my keys and ran out to the car. I almost creamed a couple of elementary school kids on my way home. When I pulled up, there's Juan, standing by the Jeep, and inside, playing on the front seat and grinning at me, was Scarlett. The funniest part was, when I went to pull her out of the Jeep she made a fuss! She was having a great time!! We took a picture, but the glare kind of g...

Catching Up

So, Scarlett turned 1!! AAHH!! All of a sudden she's a kid and no longer a baby. Now that she's walking she's a lot more independent than she used to be-- and a lot harder to dress! We had her 1 yr dr's appt. She's 23 lbs (79th percentile) and 30 inches (79th percentile also). The dr. said we need to start weaning her from the bottle, and I was like, yeah right! That's how I get her to sleep! And they weighed her on the big kid scale. Where's my baby???? She did great on her shots though. What a good girl! Here are some catch-up pictures: Scarlett in her big girl car seat!! It was so much fun to turn her around! Goofing around at the house This is Scarlett on her birthday at our new house. Notice the sweet dress. I love all the easter dresses! I just wish she could wear one every day! I love this picture! She looks like she's 19 or something!

Princess Wishes

Yesterday, Marya, Shana and I took our girls to go see Disney on Ice's Princess Wishes. I didn't know if Scarlett would be too interested, but she actually was! She didn't follow the stories, of course, but she really liked the lights and the music. Towards the end she snoozed a little on my shoulder, which was fine because I got to enjoy the show! It really brings out the kid in you. I have to say, Ariel's my favorite princess (and Prince Eric is my favorite prince!). Thanks to Marya for the pictures! Scarlett and Sequoia, holding hands!! The girls all dressed as princesses Scarlett's got something better to do! The moms with their princesses! Cinderella closed the show.

Happy Birthday!

Today we hit the big ONE!! All moms say this, but I can't believe it's been a year. The best-- and fastest-- year of my life! We're so blessed to have such a sweet, spunky and cute baby. Every day of this past year (even the particularly rough ones!) were full of sweet and poignant moments that I treasure. Cheesy, I know, but true!!! I haven't taken any first birthday pictures yet, so here's a few of brand new Scarlett.

New House

Big moves this week... literally! Come June, Juan and I will be moving into our new house in Rancho Cordova! It's in a development called Kavala Ranch. For you non-Sacramentans, Rancho is about fifteen minutes north east of Elk Grove (where we live right now). The house is really our dream house-- we're so excited! The house is still being built so we get to watch it get put together piece by piece. It feels like June will never get here, and then I look around and see how much packing I have to do, and I realize it's coming up really fast! We do love our little house here in EG, and I love living so close to my family, so there's definitely an emotional attachment to this neighborhood and house. But we'll make sure our new house is just as warm, friendly and cozy as this one!! Here's some quick facts: 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, living/family/dining rooms and one of the coolest parts, a big loft area that Juan already likes to call the "rumpus room...

If it feels like Spring...

Is it Spring? And are you supposed to capitalize seasons? I'm never quite sure! Anyway, since today (Sunday) was so beautiful, Juan and I decided to take a bike ride to the park. Scarlett loved getting out in the sun. I almost felt guilty because she was looking at sticks and rocks like she'd never seen them before-- and I realized she probably hadn't! We've definitely had a cooped up winter so we love the little bit of warm weather. (Although, trust me, winter is STILL my favorite season. Give me wind and rain any time! It's just nice to have a few sunny days here and there.)