Scarlett's 1 year photos

Scarlett had her one year pictures taken on Thursday. She was a little bit of a booger (it's amazing how a usually smiling, giggling kid turns into a total grouch when there's a professional camera around) but I think I got some cute ones! If anyone (i.e. grandparents, mostly!) wants a copy, contact me and I'll tell you how to get to the website, etc.


Anonymous said…
How cute is she!!!! I want a picture. I'll call you. Ah...who's jason? I know, I know someone left you a "get rich quick" scheme. Oh brother! love uuuuuuuu
Paula Jo said…
Happy Birthday lil miss. Cute dress, I got that one for Lauryn, if it ever warms up she can wear it.
Shana said…
Adorable! I love the dress, and did you somehow find those shoes or do they still fit her??
Cari said…
Shana, I found them at Gymboree outlet! They only had one pair left and they were 4's... yayy! I almost skipped when I saw them.
Shana said…
I can't believe your luck! :)
Jeanie said…
Hey Cari, this is Jeanie, Landrys sister. I was wondering how you put your wedding ticker thing on your blog? I tried and it won't work. Heres my email
Thanks! Scarlett is too cute!!

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