Birthday Party

Saturday was Scarlett's first birthday party. It was a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone who came to make it such a fun time!! Scarlett really enjoyed herself, especially the cake. At first she didn't know what to do with it, then figured out that eating it was probably the best thing to do. She also got to eat mozarella sticks, taquitos and chocolate chip cookies. Let me tell you, the day AFTER the party was a big let down when she was back to oatmeal and yogurt!!

Warning: Lots of pictures!!

Scarlett was VERY interested in her balloons all day, even when she was still in PJ's.

Scarlett giving her cousin Will a hug

Will decided he had enough of Scarlett hugs, and Scarlett was very offended!

Scarlett with Grandpa, Uncle Joe and Uncle Max

The birthday cake. Mmmm, delicious!!!

Figuring out the cake eating stuff! Once she warmed up, watch out!!

her big gift from Noni

her big gift from Nana and Grandpa

And, at the end of the day, fun with the balloons again!

I wish she could understand how lucky she is!!
These are all pictures stolen from my mom's blog:


Mariposa Castro said…
I love all the photos and comments, thanks Cari! Really makes me feel like I was there and am not missing out on everything. I love my niece, she's the cuttest thing on the planet. I can't wait to see her again, oh, and you and Juan too.

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