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Sunday, February 10, 2008

New House

Big moves this week... literally! Come June, Juan and I will be moving into our new house in Rancho Cordova! It's in a development called Kavala Ranch. For you non-Sacramentans, Rancho is about fifteen minutes north east of Elk Grove (where we live right now). The house is really our dream house-- we're so excited! The house is still being built so we get to watch it get put together piece by piece. It feels like June will never get here, and then I look around and see how much packing I have to do, and I realize it's coming up really fast! We do love our little house here in EG, and I love living so close to my family, so there's definitely an emotional attachment to this neighborhood and house. But we'll make sure our new house is just as warm, friendly and cozy as this one!! Here's some quick facts: 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, living/family/dining rooms and one of the coolest parts, a big loft area that Juan already likes to call the "rumpus room", and TWO master bedroom closets. Finally! My side of our current closet is slowly starting to devour Juan's side.

Warning: lots of pics to follow!

This is the model. This is what our house will look like when it's finished. (The roof will have more pitch, though, as you can see in the next picture)

Us in front of our new house, or in front of "the sticks", as Juan likes to call it!

The model kitchen. We chose the exact same cabinets and granite counter tops, though, so this is exactly what ours will look like. Juan's really excited that we'll have a gas range. He's like a caveman-- he needs fire. (click on the picture and look at the stove... we didn't notice this until put the picture on the blog. Good parents we are, right???)

The view from the entry, looking up stairs

The view down stairs, and into the formal dining room.

The loft area

I realize now that I'm doing this that it's actually hard to get a sense of the house through pictures. This is the view from the loft area back to the bedrooms. There's another hallway through the doorway straight ahead.

What will I do with all this space??? I think it's safe to say we're going to have empty rooms for a while....

If you're still interested, here's the website showing the floorplan and elevations. (We're elevation 3)


Anonymous said...

SO exciting! I can't wait to see the new digs!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous house!! Does this mean you'll be going to a different Sunday morning? I hope not! I always like to see what you have Scarlett dressed up in! oh, and I like to see you and Jaun of course! :D Congrats on the house!!

landryandcara said...

So exciting! It looks beautiful (I like the pitched roof too!) congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Thank you guys for showing us your new house, look very nice (I hope you are going to paint it with a different color though). It's just the kind of house I want to buy, We have seen lots of houses but all of them pretty much in the same area, here in Hollywood I don't like them, they are expensive and old, I always tell my wife " they look like Frankestain houses" because most of them just have 2 bedrooms, so they make the garage a third bedroom, and that make the house look horrible, I really want my garage ( but not to use it as a garbage dispossal). Happyly there are other areas around where we can live for less money and more house. Congratulations!!! and you need to start working because you have to fullfill that house with lots of kids,bye. Sandro ( yeah the guy that never write comments)

Anonymous said...

ha ha that picture cracked me up, the little hand sneaking up in the corner! congrats on the house!!

Anonymous said...


KJack said...

Congratulations! The house is beautiful.