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Sunday, February 10, 2008

If it feels like Spring...

Is it Spring? And are you supposed to capitalize seasons? I'm never quite sure!
Anyway, since today (Sunday) was so beautiful, Juan and I decided to take a bike ride to the park. Scarlett loved getting out in the sun. I almost felt guilty because she was looking at sticks and rocks like she'd never seen them before-- and I realized she probably hadn't! We've definitely had a cooped up winter so we love the little bit of warm weather. (Although, trust me, winter is STILL my favorite season. Give me wind and rain any time! It's just nice to have a few sunny days here and there.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After you have 2 or more kids, spring will become your favorite season after being cooped up with 2 plus kids all winter. I love Scarlett's little hand on the stove but as I remember, the stove worked too, didn't it? Your going to have so much room to grow in the new house. Yea!