Catching Up

So, Scarlett turned 1!! AAHH!! All of a sudden she's a kid and no longer a baby. Now that she's walking she's a lot more independent than she used to be-- and a lot harder to dress! We had her 1 yr dr's appt. She's 23 lbs (79th percentile) and 30 inches (79th percentile also). The dr. said we need to start weaning her from the bottle, and I was like, yeah right! That's how I get her to sleep! And they weighed her on the big kid scale. Where's my baby???? She did great on her shots though. What a good girl! Here are some catch-up pictures:

Scarlett in her big girl car seat!! It was so much fun to turn her around!

Goofing around at the house

This is Scarlett on her birthday at our new house. Notice the sweet dress. I love all the easter dresses! I just wish she could wear one every day!

I love this picture! She looks like she's 19 or something!


Gina said…
We are still having the nighttime bottle so don't let them give you too much grief! at about 17 months we started cutting out her daytime bottle but we still have 4 - 8 oz. at bedtime. She's not ready to give it up and I'm not ready to force her.

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