Princess Wishes

Yesterday, Marya, Shana and I took our girls to go see Disney on Ice's Princess Wishes. I didn't know if Scarlett would be too interested, but she actually was! She didn't follow the stories, of course, but she really liked the lights and the music. Towards the end she snoozed a little on my shoulder, which was fine because I got to enjoy the show! It really brings out the kid in you. I have to say, Ariel's my favorite princess (and Prince Eric is my favorite prince!). Thanks to Marya for the pictures!

Scarlett and Sequoia, holding hands!!

The girls all dressed as princesses

Scarlett's got something better to do!

The moms with their princesses!

Cinderella closed the show.


KJack said…
Wasn't it a great show! I took Tsiava, my mom, and a friend (it was an x-mas present to my mom and Tsiava). T had so much fun dressing up too, she was sleeping beauty and thought it was great that the character had her dress on. Glad you all had a good time.

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