Savannah Violet
Savannah Violet was born March 21st at 10:02 AM, weighing in at 8 lbs 7 ozs and 20 inches. She was (is) absolutely perfect!!! We got to go home right on time and she has such a good temperment (so far!) Adjusting to life with two kids is a little rough. Scarlett is a wonderful big sister. She loves to give kisses and makes sure the baby has socks and a hat on at all times. Sometmes she's a little too lovey, but we're just trying to walk that fine line between encouragement and distance!! I'm absolutely exhausted (no surprise, Scarlett decided she didn't want to sleep anymore either). But I'm happy, healthy, and slowly learning to walk again. (Anyone who's had a c-section has to know what I'm talking about!!) All the pictures I'm posting are from the hospital. I haven't uploaded pictures from home yet. Hopefully those will come soon. Quiet moments are really hard to squeeze in right now!!