38 weeks

38 weeks along! Can't believe it's almost time... this pregnancy flew by, probably because I was so busy with Scarlett and with work (for half of it, anyway!).
I haven't "popped out" as much as I did with Scarlett... which is funny, because I'd heard it was the other way around. But trust me, I got enough "Are you sure you're not having twins?" jokes to last me a lifetime when I was pregnant with Scarlett! I certainly don't miss those!


Growininwillows said…
I know what you mean. I will be 19 weeks tomorrow and totally thought I would have popped out at least a little bit, but still have only a small belly...I notice, but don't think others look at me say "hey she PG"....

You are looking fabulous....
Anonymous said…
I think you look great, and I love that you picked the name Lerlene Persnicketybottom (ooops, it's OK to tell, isn't it?)
Jeanie said…
Cute! Can't wait to see baby #2!

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