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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


A round-up of Scarlett's new and continuing habits:

1. She likes to use the personal pronoun whenever possible. I.E. Every morning right after Juan leaves for work, she looks at me and says "Where'd my daddy go?" (except for it sounds like "wheremydaddygo".) She also likes to distinguish what belongs to whom-- Daddy's hair, or Mommy's foot, or Elmo's book.
2. She plays mommy and she's terrible at it. she alternates between smothering her babies with kisses and throwing them.
3. Out of nowhere, she'll sidle up to you and say "Candy?" and if that doesn't work, "Cheese?" and then, in a final act of desperation, "Dora?"
4. She has a cowboy walk--- she'll throw her legs out and walk bow-legged for no apparent reason, just to entertain herself.
5. No chance of EVER getting rid of the pacifier, or potty training. I'll be sending a kid off to kindergarten in a diaper with a pacifier.
6. She has a cold right now and she'll say "Need a wipe!" when she has snot hanging down past her lips. Sometimes she'll just come up and wipe her nose on my leg.
6. So many more, but she just woke up!! Oh yeah, include, REALLY TERRIBLE NAPPER.


KJack said...

Too cute, hmmm where did she learn her mothering from? LOL they are so special and are a great source of joy and laughter.

Mariposa Castro said...

She's soooo Adorable!!!!!!!!!! I love that she wipes her nose on your leg, just like her father! I also think her walk is precious, you need to film that sometime and post to the Blog. I love Scarlett, anytime you want to drop her off here, we'll take her.