Amgen Tour 2009

On Valentine's Day, we went downtown for the CA Amgen Bike Tour prologue leg. It was cold but it was a very fun day! We saw Lance Armstrong for the half second he whizzed past us (these guys are pretty fast!) but there was also a festival, sidewalk drawing, picnic lunch eating... a great way to spend a Saturday! Scarlett had a great time, and did us a favor by falling asleep in her stroller so we could sit down and actually watch the race.

Scarlett loved riding Light Rail! She kept saying "Wow, Mama, WOW!"

this is Juan trying to get Scarlett to pose with a Lance Armstrong poster. I think it's hilarious.

These are all shots of the race... the bottom shot is our blink-or-you'll-miss-him Lance Armstrong sighting. You'll have to take my word for it, because these guys all look the same once they're under helmets.


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