One of those days

It's 1 PM... so far today, I've:

1. Wielded a broom in strange ways in order to resuce Scarlett from the bathroom she had locked herself in (don't ask)

2. Mopped up a whole sippy cup full of apple juice/water after Scarlett decided to drink and spit.

3. Put all the pots and pans back in the cabinet the child proof lock failed me on.

4. Cleaned up all the lysol antibacterial wipes she pulled out, one by one, probably licking them as they came out.

5. Accidentally dried a plastic shoe that "somehow" got snuck into the dryer.

6. Endured a long howl when I dared to wash the precious, but oh so stinky and dirty, bunny.

And we haven't even had lunch yet!!


Gina said…
Hang in there. I had to laugh at the u and spit item. We have that at our house as well.
Gina said…
that should have said drink and spit...not sure what happened there.
KJack said…
Feeling your pain and giggling. I've had a few of those days. Mom says that in these moments that we have to remember she's (your kid) a genius, who else would think to do all those wonderful things -never accomplished before and my how it pushes mom's buttons!
Anonymous said…
landryandcara said…
ha ha! oh dear! i'm feelin for ya!
Jeanie said…
HA Yes I too feel your pain. I am SO looking forward to the not putting EVERYTHING in the mouth stage. But just remember that someday we will miss these times. (Like when they are 16 and saying whatever Mom) Yikes

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