Scarlett loves cheese

While watching Scarlett eat lunch yesterday, I realized that whenever she eats cheese, she talks. A LOT. My mom thinks she talks a lot all the time, but somehow cheese especially brings out the chatterbox in her.


Grahamcracker said…
That was hilarious. My favorite was when you asked her what she wants and she spits out the cheese. Can't wait to see her (and you)!
Gina said…
Now that was funny! I too had a great giggle over the spitting out of the cheese as you ask her what she wants.
Anonymous said…
That was sooo cute!!! I love the little video clips of your darling girl! It's fun for us to see her grow....even from distant Arizona! We love it here...but miss seeing everyone there, too! Just keep updating your blog....we LOVE to keep tabs on little Scarlett!! Looks like you've moved into your new home. How exciting!

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