Scarlett Eve Valdes was born Saturday, February 17th at 10:34 AM. She was 8 lbs, .02 oz and 20 inches long!! It was a pretty awful labor, for both of us... I went into labor Thursday night, got sent home, and then at noon the next day realized that this was serious!! I waited until Juan got home from work and then we went to the hospital around 3:00 PM. I was in pretty heavy labor from then until she was born the next morning. Not very fun! I ran a pretty bad (and unexplainable) temperature while in labor, I think I peaked at around 102 degrees. Because of this, the baby was wisked away to the nursery for observation. Luckily she does not have any signs of infection, but she does have jaundice, so they're keeping her under the blue lights. It's hard (hard being a mild term, it's the most awful thing I've ever experienced) being home without her but I know she's getting good care and hopefully she can come home soon. Meanwhile, Juan and I have pretty much moved into ...
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