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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Good Night, Indeed!

Just thought I'd share something pretty cool... for the last little while Juan and I have been working with Scarlett on the sign for "night-night". Yesterday in the afternoon she signed it for me, and I said, "Do you want to go night-night?" and she did it again. So I put her in crib, and NO FUSS. She fell right asleep. And today she's done it twice, both times unprompted!! Already it's making naps so much easier because I don't have to guess when she wants one, she can tell me! I LOVE signing!!! Anyway, just thought I'd share my good news!!

1 comment:

Mariposa Castro said...

That's awesome Cari and Scarlett. I would so love to see her doing that. She's so adorable I just want to eat her and play with her all day long.