pizza night

Last Friday, I decided to try my hand at making healthy (i.e. whole wheat) pizzas. We got a Pampered Chef pizza stone a while ago but I have never used it, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. We invited Joe, Shana and Chloe over and a good time was had by all. I thought the pizza stone worked really well. The crust was really evenly cooked, which is what you want a stone for. I'd recommend it for sure. A few days ago, at Bed Bath and Beyond, I saw another pizza stone on sale and I can't say I saw much of a difference between that one and the Pampered Chef, though. The PC was a lot more expensive!!

These pictures make it look like the boys did all the work, but that's not true! Everyone pitched in!!!

One of the finished products. (It was hard to make a perfect circle without tossing it in the air and flipping it and doing all sorts of crazy stuff. I have a lot more respect for Papa Murphy's workers now)


Anonymous said…
Pizza looks great. We'll have to add that to your specialities, along with chicken enchiladas.
Shana said…
What a fun night and delicious pizza!
Anonymous said…
Fun! I love making pizza! I cheat though and get Trader Joe Pizza Dough. Yum.

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