Christmas must be hard on the landfills!

Christmas morning was a storm of paper and ribbon at our house. Scarlett liked the boxes more than the actual gifts (at first, anyway) and she definitely thought my gifts were awesome!

The white stuff on her face is lotion... S had a little rash on her cheeks, we think from the central heating.

Oh, also, a Christmas surprise! Scarlett had been standing on her own for awhile, but on Christmas day she decided to take her first step. She went from the coffee table to the couch just as easy as you pleased. Since then she's moved from one step to two, but she's kind of frozen on that level. It's okay if it takes awhile!


Shana said…
I hear that wrapping paper is recyclable... Glad you know this now, huh! :) Looks like Scarlett had a great time! I love the pic of her in the box!

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