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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving, Part 1

This year, Juan and I flew to sunny Tampa, Florida for Thanksgiving. Scarlett got to spend time with her aunts, uncle, grandpa and cousins. It was a blast! The plane ride wasn't even as excruciating as you'd think-- mostly because Juan and I were able to score third seats (we flew Southwest) for all legs. We had three days of Thanksgivings, Wed. nite at Juan's father's house, Thursday at a restaurant, and Friday at a cuban restaurant. (Natch.) Overall, a wonderful trip! Gotta say, nice to be home in good old California. The warm weather in FL was disconcerting. Thanksgiving's supposed to be cold!

Scarlett enjoying a little bread, Cuban style

waiting for her mashed potatoes and squash!

Thanksgiving at Grandpa Julio's

The whole family (almost. it's minus Juan's brother Pablo and sister Migdalia. But pretty close!)

1 comment:

Gina said...

How fun for little Miss to see her far away family.