Happy half-year birthday!

I'm ready for my peaches, Mom! Hook it up!

Give me MORE. NOW!

Scarlett turned six months old yesterday. Or, as I like to say, she turned the big point-five. We celebrated with a dinner of peaches and apple sauce. She really liked the peaches!

I can't believe we've had her for six months. I can't remember how life was like before her--- I have a vague recollection of long stretches of sleep, clothes without spit-up stains, long novels that I could read in an evening and, of course, restaurant meals that didn't have to start at 5:30 so they won't run into bedtime and leave us trapped in a restaraunt with a screaming, tired baby.
Wouldn't go back to it for the WORLD!


Shana said…
Didn't it fly by!!! I can't believe she's 6 months! Where'd your tiny baby go! :) Keep on growin' Scarlett!
Anonymous said…
She has such a sweet smile. Happy .5 birthday, baby.
Anonymous said…
I love that top pic, she's so cute and that smile is so mischevious!!
Gina said…
Isn't it all so amazing...All I can say is Ditto to this post. Eating out is still a challenge for us in the evening. How's work going?

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