Scarlett has a small head!

Today was Scarlett's two month check-up. Poor little baby really didn't like her shots, but she recovered pretty quickly once she was snuggled and rocked a little bit. She passed all her tests with flying colors. She's in the 65th percentile for weight, somewhere around the 50th for length and the 25th for her head. These averages are fine for when she's a baby but she's really going to have to pull it up if she wants to get into a good college! :)
Here are some catch-up pictures:

Scarlett doesn't like her pretty Sunday clothes!!

A CUTE new outfit from Nana!!

And pretty smiles from my pretty baby!!


Gina said…
I hope she likes meeting better than the clothes. Glad to hear you got through the first bunch of shots. They aren't much fun
Grahamcracker said…
I LOVE the bottom 2!! She's so adorable, I can't wait to see here this weekend:)
Shana said…
Good thing for snuggles, poor baby! She looks so cute and I just love her little bows! I can't wait for Chloe to get some hair!!! Can't believe she's getting to be such a little smiler! That is SO much fun!
Anonymous said…
She is so cute. And i just dug out more baby pictures that shows she smiles just like you. (she frowns just like you too. :) Can't wait fo Maui with my "g-girls."
Anonymous said…
The missing "r" in for was not on purpose. At least I didnt say, "can't wait for Maui with my "g-girls" yet! loveuuuuuu
Anonymous said…
I love the pictures of her smiling, she's so sweet. I can't wait to meet her!

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