Juan met the governator!

Juan took his students on a field trip to the state capitol today, swung by the governor's office and there he was! The big guy himself. I was so jealous!!


Anonymous said…
Awesome! I just called Sandro to check it out. Juan, you rock for taking your students to City Hall.
Paula Jo said…
Cool, Dito Cari! I know not everyone would agrea with us, but who cares! I was hoping to see a photo of Arnold with Juan. Your little lady is getting big. Love those smiles, keep 'em coming.
Anonymous said…
Hey! So cool. Kyla and I were jealous. I went with her fifth grade class to the capitol last month...the kids were so bummed when we toured Arnold's office..but no sight of Arnold! We were all hoping...but no such luck. It's been fun checking out your site from time to time. LOVE the pictures of Scarlett!...especially when Juan does her hair!~smile! We miss seeing you all now and then!

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