Scarlett's home!

In her little hospital bed.
Scarlett Eve Valdes-- snoozing, as usual!

Daddy and Scarlett (still in the hospital)

Mommy and Scarlett (please ignore my huge head!)

Nana and Scarlett

Daddy and Scarlett again

Finally going home!! yayy!!

Scarlett came home from the hospital on Thursday night. We're soo happy to have her home, and she's proving her health by porking right up! She's put on two ounces since her birth weight and cries enough to let us know her lungs definitely work. We had a rocky night the first night, but last night she impressed us by sleeping straight through until 3 AM and then falling back asleep around 6 and letting us sleep in until 9. Not bad for her second night at home! We just can't get enough of her! Here's some pictures, not the best ones but hopefully more will come soon. (Once I work up the nerve to put her in cute outfits. Right now I'm too chicken to put anything over her head. She screams like we're cutting out her liver or something!)


Paula Jo said…
Oh she is soooo cute! We are happy to hear that she is home. Hope all continues to go well for you all. Take care XOXO luv ya
Anonymous said…
I'm so happy Scarlett is home! I've been checking your site often to see if there was an update!! She is so cute! I'm so happy for you that she is safe and sound and home!! take care!!
~ Dawn Davies-Henson
(I didn't think you'd recognize the "Henson"!)
Growininwillows said…
Horray! She is home - so glad to hear. I am a bit jealous that she let you sleep until 3am. I am lucky to get 2 hours of sleep, after feeding, changing, and getting him to sleep! Hope that continues for you. Look forward to lots more pictures!!!
Gina said…
Oh Goody...I have been checking for updates like a crazy lady ;) She is so cute. Enjoy every minute with her...soon she'll be crawling around like a little monkey and you'll wonder how she ever was so little. Take care all of you. XOXO B, G, A
Shana said…
She's SO SO CUTE!!! It was so fun to see her and hold her!! I can't believe how tiny she is! I'll be posting pictures of her on my site soon too!!! Thanks for making me an Auntie!!! We love her so much already!!
Anonymous said…
Cari, I am sooooo happy for you both! I am afraid to call Juan, because I swear, everytime I got my newborns down to sleep, someone called and woke them up! I am also glad you keep up with your blogging and Myspace. I was dying to see pictures and she is adorable!!! (I totally think she looks like her Mommy, lucky girl)

Good luck, and if you need to vent about your lack of sleep, lack of showers or abundance of poop, feel free to use me as a listener!

Love, Rachael, Eric, Jenna and Jayden!

PS, Love the name!

PPS... both my kids were jaundice, too. Eric couldn't say billirubins, so he called them Billy Bob Thortons! LOL
Oh, I'm on blogspot now too. I can't resist all this cyber communication...
Anonymous said…
Jaun and Carola!!
I am so Happy that she is home where she belongs... I am really loving her name.... I hope that things continue to go very awesome with her. Please give her a kiss from me.
Love you all tons!1
Anonymous said…
She's home and she's beautiful!!! You did good, when's the next one coming??? ;)
SoozeSchmooze said…
Hopefully it will be easier on you with her home from the Hospital..
less getting up and getting moving to go see her very sweet...what a doll!! Cari..the question is how are you feeling? the labor was hard...but are you still sore?? or are you better?? funny how fast the human body heals from ordeals like child birth..etc...

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