It's official!!

Well, a year and a half later, I dragged my butt to the social security office and DMV and am now officially a Valdes. I'm still a little scared to change all my credit cards and bank stuff over, it seems incredibly complicated. Any advice from anyone who has done it? I'd love for someone to tell me it's not as big a pain as it seems like it will be...

P.S. Argggh!! The STUPID KINGS!!!!!!
(i'm watching the game while typing this, in case you can't tell)


Growininwillows said…
No great advice. It is a pain. Some of my credit cards I just cancelled as they wanted copies of marriage certificate and all. I thought that was a bit rediculous....I think the biggest pain was changing my work email, it took forever for them to do that! Good luck!
Gina said…
It isn't the end of the world...You can do it!
Anonymous said…
Isn't the name changing stuff FUN?! You sound like me- for a while I had a Greenway and a Siegel license! My suggestion would be to make several copies of your marriage certificate for all the changes needed. For bank stuff, sit down with a banker (it will take a while) and get it all squared away at one time. Once it is done, it feels so good!
And yes, I am almost wanting to disown the Kings! UGH!!!
Anonymous said…
Well, guess who the stupid Kings lost to...the stupid Blazers...I hardly even listen to the Blazers anymore because they win to 'losers' (not the Kings, OK!!) then win games they shouldn't. But I'm totally into the DUCKS!!! Yeah!!! GO DUCKS!!! And tell your bro' that Maarty Luenun ROCKS!!! And, no, that's not a typo, that's how you spell his name...I know cuz he graduated from Shana and Sean's hi school...take care, martineirene:)
Shana said…
Just in time to have your baby! Now if you could just get those wedding pictures!! :)
SoozeSchmooze said…
I like Maria's idea..I just made a lot of copies of the marriage license and took it to the banks..
social security and the DMV is the biggest hassle the rest is pretty easy!!! I do have one obscure bank account I keep forgetting to change... :) opps...otherwise the task has been done since last january!! ;)

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