Getting the baby's room ready!

Well, we finally finished the baby's room. We have what i think is the most beautiful crib and dresser in the world, but I'm a little biased, mostly because I picked it out and I like to think of myself as having infallible taste. Here are some pictures of us painting, etc. Finished pictures to come soon, as soon as I kick this latest nasty little bug. They just seem to pile up on me lately!

See? I helped! (I'm wearing my fancy painting clothes and sporting my fancy painting hairdo, in case you haven't noticed)

Juan had to do all the crouching and detail work. Luckily he's such a good sport.

Isn't he cute when his hair sticks all up like that?

He's my hero for figuring this thing out!! (It wasn't a pretty picture there for awhile)

The finished product. I love the pink stuff, it's so self-indulgent. Adults can't really adorn themselves in pink the way babies can.


Anonymous said…
I love it! Especially (I'f I see correctly) the gold trim on the indulgent pink linens! Things are changing here in Sac what with all the new babies and EVERYBODY is married!!! We need to get together...stop being so antisocial;).
Growininwillows said…
I love the crib and set. Can't wait to see the finish product of the room. Looks like you had fun setting everything up. We actually took months to get everything ready. We would do a little here and a little there, but over Christmas break, we pretty much finished everything....
Shana said…
Love, love, love it!!! Can't believe I had to "see" it on your blog though! I need to come over soon and really check it out!
Gina said…
How pretty it all looks...You look good too...hang in there you don't have far to go. XO
SoozeSchmooze said…
Wow Ms. Cari...I am very proud of you both! Such domestic tasks for the cerebral minded folks..!!!! What a gorgeous Crib!!! You DO have INFALLIBLE tastes!!!

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