To skip or not to skip?

Four weeks ago, I plunked down $65 of Juan's hard earned money (I'd say it was MY hard earned money, but I'm at work doing this, so that right away takes away any right I have to say that it's hard-earned) in order to take 6 prenatal classes. We were promised: breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, information on pain-killing drugs (gimmee! gimmee!) and all sorts of useful information. So far, the only things I've gleaned are: A) the teacher has an agenda, and B) people sometimes forget to bring snacks on their assigned weeks which makes me grr... angry! And here's the kicker: the class is from 6:30-9:00. Well that runs right into dinner and bedtime!
So now I'm stuck. Do I skip? Six years of college has bred in me a fear of the random skip day--what if there's a quiz? What if this is THE lecture that the whole final paper turns on? I find that I'm getting more information about childbirth by drilling Shana and anyone else who has ever had a baby that I come in contact with. Perfect strangers are now being asked, "Did you have an epidural? How long was your labor? Did your baby have trouble latching on?" I find that real life experience is so much more helpful than a textbook and some lady who tells us that babies who were born with epidurals (gimmee! gimmee!) have a harder time breast feeding.
The problem is that we've already skipped one class, and come back the next week to astonished looks from squeaky clean, basketball belly mothers who say, "oh, we thought something had happened! We couldn't imagine someone skipping class!", who then forces me to lie and say that we were out of town. I hate it when people force me to lie so I don't look like an inconsiderate, future bad mother.
So I probably won't skip, mostly because of guilt that could either stem from financial reasons or plain ol' shame. Although it occurs to me that my time might have been better spent taking child rearing classes instead of child birthing classes, because the rearing, as I hear it, lasts a bit longer than the birthing and is probably a smidge tougher.

So should I be freaked over the birthing? Am I terrible for hating the prenatals? Is is too late to say "I changed my mind! I'll keep the baby in!" ?


Anonymous said…
LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grahamcracker said…
Stop freaking out. Labor (I've heard) kinda sucks. It's one of the toughest and most remarkable days of your life (I've heard). No, you can't skip any more classes. 1. You've (actually Juan) already paid for the classes. $65 bucks is really like $100 bucks when it's your own money, and I don't know about you, but I hate wasting $100 bucks! 2. You WILL miss something. And finally, the prenatal classes are part of the whole "being preggers" experience. Suck it up. Oh, and I love you!
Shana said…
I don't know about the skipping thing, that's all up to you, but I do know that you can't just keep the baby in!!! Much as you *think* you'd like to do that, I wouldn't recommend it! Hang in there and you know what, you'll get through it just like everyone else, I mean how else could there be 300 million people in the United States? I'll tell you how, mom's having babies, that's how!!! Those stupid classes make it seem like there is a "right" way and a "wrong" way to have a baby, and that's just not true!! You're the one that has to do the hard work, so that means you get to call the shots. It's your body and your baby... Well, I guess it's Juan's baby too! But don't worry whatever you do, in the end you'll have a beautiful little baby to love!!! :) Love ya!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh my sweet baby girl. You just have no idea what awaits you. :):) But Juan and I will be in there begging for your epidural. may be that the class you miss is the one where they reveal the "secret" behind the "painless" childbirth. hahahahahaha There is NOTHING better than having your whole family sitting around the table and eating hot chilie and cornbread. Dad and I can't get enough of those times. love u love u love
Cari said…
I'm not sure how much I want to keep the baby in anymore anyway, because she's developed this pinching technique, which I'm sure to her feels just dandy but makes me jump. She's quite pushy-- if she doesn't like the position I'm in, out come the pinchers.
Anonymous said…
Cari I just have to comment on the childbirth classes... I too hated going (the chairs hurt my back, I was tired, the list goes on). So I missed two (a cold and a raging backache), Kiron went to one of the two and they covered c-sections. I wasn't too worried because I thought "that won't happen to me", well jokes on me...guess who had to have a c-section (baby Grady was too big and the cord was wrapped around his neck). So the moral of the story is asked what you missed if you miss and then educate yourself. This miseducated lady sure wishes she did! Just remember that instinct will kick in when you are in labor and listen to it!! :)

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