Random Thoughts for Today

1. There's nothing like feeling a baby move inside you. You can be totally alone and quiet and all of a sudden you feel a kick or a roll and it reminds you that you're not alone. I'm sure it's something I'll miss once other people have access to this baby, not just me!

2. I love the rain, and if the sky opened up right now and just dumped buckets down on us there wouldn't be a happier girl in Northern CA!!

3. Thinking of rain makes me crave Campell's potato brocolli soup.

4. Sometimes at work I like to poke around in the supply closet. Not to steal anything, but just because I love school supplies. I like to take out the colored markers and write my name in fancy loopy circles.

5. One more essay you should read if you a) have a daughter or b) are a daughter. So basically everybody! It's called "Four Generations" by Joyce Maynard (it's only about 8 paragraphs long) and it's so sweet yet sad.

6. Why do girls show their thongs? It's really annoying and tacky.

7. Before you get pregnant, people will tell you, "Maternity clothes aren't so bad!" And they don't seem bad, at first. But then you get sick of wearing the same pair of jeans or jean skirt every flippin' day and you start thinking longingly of all the cute stuff in your closet which might be out of style by the time you can squeeze back into it! Not that style becomes all that important either. I can't tell you the last time I blow-dried my hair or did anymore with clothes other than make sure they matched!

8. My favorite time of day is bedtime, when Juan and I are snuggled under lots of blankets and quietly reading our books with our cats at our feet. We don't say that much to each other, other than reading a particularly funny/insightful passage out loud. We never talk about what we need to do the next day, although we do occasionally recognize to each other that we should value the peace and quiet.

9. I apologize for how self-indulgent this blog has turned out to be. Chalk it up to a lot of spare time at work.


Anonymous said…
I'm so excited for baby "Olive." And wish you would let me feel her move too!!!!! In reading your blog what does "rapacious" and "repartee" mean? I plan to be a fun Nana that lets her nanakids say yep and end their sentences with propositions, and live by the rule, "What happens at Nana's stays at Nana's. love uuuuuuuu mom
Anonymous said…
-I ditto #2~!!
- #7 is my favorite! I agree.

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