8 Reasons I'm Not Ready to Become a Mother

(Which is probably why we're given nine months to get used to the idea)

1. We cleaned out our fridge on Sunday and the only things edible were slices of american cheese, half a tomato and diet coke.

2. I am so behind on the laundry I had to buy new underwear!

3. My cat sleeps at my feet and scratches at them if I shift around during the night. Therefore, I'm a little scared of her.

4. At Target, I zoom right past the boring bottles and pacifier sections and instead am only interested in the clothes.

5. Our baby has no name, and it doesn't look like she'll ever have one!!

6. I stopped reading the pregnancy books because they got boring, and am now reading smut again.

7. I had to keep myself from alternating between laughing and cringing while watching the birthing video at our prenatal class.

8. I am more interested in the snacks and the other people at the prenatal class than what we're being taught.



Shana said…
Sure seems like it'd be a good idea, licenses that is! I was just thinking about you and those prenatal classes! Fun stuff! I was also thinking that you should take advantage of things like being able to *really* clean things, like your bathroom for example!!! I just did that last night, which I'm embarrassed to say hadn't been done since we've had Chloe! GROSS!!! I'm not saying I hadn't cleaned the bathroom at all, I had, but not the get on your hands and knees and clean behind the toilet kind of cleaning!!! All I'm saying is enjoy the little things, but I just thought of something- it's probably getting hard for you to get down on your hands and knees right now too! You have the baby inside making things hard and I have the baby out!!! But, let me tell you it's all worth it!!! :) You'll see!
Amy said…
I'm so glad you have a blog and one with pictures!! Can't wait to see the pink bundle! :) By the way, if you haven't already read it, one non-boring pregnancy book is The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy. It helps you laugh and make your belly flop up and down as you do so! Good luck!
Gina said…
Cari I was sitting on the table having an spinal and I looked at Boone and said...umm we can't go back now can we? You are never really ready to have a baby and then they arrive and at least for me I looked at her and thought ok so now what in the world am I supposed to do with her...Oh my word I am a mom and I really have no clue in the world...it does get better though. An even better book that is a bit rated but VERY funny is Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. I highly recomend it just for the ridiculousness of it all. Hang in there!
Anonymous said…
I just had a thought... good thing God gave us a bit of time before we have to feed our babies any real food...:-D

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