
Showing posts from June, 2008


So we have the flu here... I got it first, and then passed it on to Juan and Scarlett. So there's really no one to blame but myself when I'm woken up at 2 AM to a crib full of throw-up. It's probably the grossest situation I've ever been in. It gives me the shudders and the shakes. But I have to say that Scarlett is a real trooper. Her spirits are up, and when she's not throwing up she's feisty and chatty. She has a few new words too: fish (she says "shhhh") and shoe, on top of the old standbys "cat" and "mama/dada" we're working on her alphabet. I really want her reading at three!! A big goal, but it's kinda fun to work on it!! And don't worry... she has no pressure! I saw a 17mo old on the Today show who could read "kangaroo" and "nice to meet you". Crazy!!

One of those days

It's 1 PM... so far today, I've: 1. Wielded a broom in strange ways in order to resuce Scarlett from the bathroom she had locked herself in (don't ask) 2. Mopped up a whole sippy cup full of apple juice/water after Scarlett decided to drink and spit. 3. Put all the pots and pans back in the cabinet the child proof lock failed me on. 4. Cleaned up all the lysol antibacterial wipes she pulled out, one by one, probably licking them as they came out. 5. Accidentally dried a plastic shoe that "somehow" got snuck into the dryer. 6. Endured a long howl when I dared to wash the precious, but oh so stinky and dirty, bunny. And we haven't even had lunch yet!!

Beautiful Lake Tahoe

Last weekend, Juan's sister Mariposa was up to visit so we took her to Tahoe for the day. It's not that far from our new house. The trip was tons of fun, and once again,we left asking ourselves, "Why don't we go more often??" These were all taken at Emerald Bay These were taken while we were hiking around Fallen Leaf Lake, my favorite little spot in Tahoe. I think we all agreed we wanted to move there!! (Or at least vacation there!) The last picture is Scarlett touching snow for the first time. She didn't really have an opinion on it... A very tuckered out little baby at the end of the day!!

A new nephew!

No pictures yet, but last night around 3 AM Shana quickly and valiantly brought a new baby boy into the world... he's around 9 1/2 lbs and his name is Elijah Joseph. That's all the info I have, hopefully we'll see him soon!!