
Showing posts from July, 2007

Sometimes we just wanna EAT her!

We've always said Scarlett is so cute we want to eat her. We decided to see how she'd taste! We even gave her a carrot for seasoning. :)

Scarlett wears scarlet!

I have to say, it's a lot of fun putting her in her favorite color!

Daddy's new toy

In preparation for our upcoming trip to Yosemite, Juan found a hiking backpack on Craig's list for a really good price. It's in almost perfect condition! We tested it out on an evening fro-yo run... Yummy frozen yogurt on a hot summer night! She was all tuckered out on the walk home!

Home Improvement Projects!

One of the fun things about owning versus renting is getting to do projects on your house. One of the frustrating things is that you HAVE to do projects on your house! :) We recently took out a wall, which has made the living space much more enjoyable, but has also held us hostage for awhile. Oh, how simple projects become complicated! We're having fun though! This is what Juan and his Dad built... It's a garden accent. (The backyard is an ongoing project, too!)

Chloe's birthday party/family pictures

3 generations of Eves-- Aunt Eve, Eve Marie and Scarlett Eve Some of the Sosa girls-- me, Aunt Eve, mom, Scarlett, Grandma Chloe and the kids! (Stu's holding Scarlett REAL tight! What a great little boy!) frosting face!

I can't help myself!

My mom bought Scarlett a new stroller. She loves to hang out in it, as you can see! My goodness sake! A funny photo shoot! :)

Look at what I can do!

Scarlett started sitting up yesterday. She's been working at it for awhile, and yesterday was the first day where she actually stayed up! (In this picture, she's actually laughing at the cat as she walks by. She loves the cats!) Then she (scarlett, not the cat) started to fuss... but hey, another big step in a little life!

Scarlett meets her grandpa!

This week Juan's dad, Julio, is visiting us from Florida. Scarlett thinks he's pretty awesome and he is one cool Grandpa! This is Juan's sister, Clara, with Julio and Scarlett We put him right to work! He's helping Juan build "something" in the backyard. I say "something" because everytime Juan explains it to me my eyes glaze over and I stop listening, for some reason. :)

She's just so cute!


Early 4th of July!

Since the fourth is on Wed. this year, we decided to head to Camanche early for a fun-filled weekend with the family. Scarlett had a great time being roommates with the whole family! Chloe "the homie" checking Scarlett out while she sits in her bumbo Jim and Alyssa cooking breakfast while Scarlett sits by, hungry! Look how chubby she is! This is how we spend time at Camanche, when we're not on the lake. LAZY! Chloe's been after Scarlett's pacifier for her whole life, and she finally got it! And she had to work REAL hard to keep it in, but she managed!

All dressed up in red, white and blue

As we got ready for church on Sunday we decided the girls had to have a picture taken! Chloe was more interested in Scarlett's hairbow, however... She got it!! Grandpa and Nana with their "grandgirlies." I think Scarlett looks like my mom, what do you think?

Scarlett's first boat ride!

Scarlett enjoyed a Strassburg family tradition--boating! I was worried about how she'd feel about the bumpiness and the loud motor, but she loved it. She fell right asleep, which is how she expresses her enthusiasm about things! Scarlett and me chillin' on the deck First time in a life jacket. She HATED it at first, but got used to it. Juan and Scarlett on the dock. Scarlett and Chloe enjoying the ride! Scarlett getting in the water... it was cold but she was a good sport! She didn't like that I made her keep her hat on, though...