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Thursday, February 15, 2007

today's my due date...

And no baby yet! Keep your fingers crossed for me. I hear induction isn't any fun, so hopefully this baby isn't so terribly comfy the outside world isn't something it's unwilling to consider. (Sorry for the double negative!)


Gina said...

I sure had you on my mind today Cari. I can't say I understand since my delivery was not normal. But that doesn't keep me from remembering the never ending feeling of being ready for the next phase...or sorta ready. Take care. XOXO

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! I was thinking about you today too. She will come when she's good and ready I guess. :)

Paula Jo said...

Hey Cari I feel your pain, well I did 2 years ago. Hey did you get my mess. I called your cell the other day to chat. Hang in there. Love you!

KJack said...

Okay so what's all the wives tales, of which some may help. Walk, walk, take a bumpy ride (wouldn't rec.), cod liver oil, hmm I seem to have blanked on the rest...oh yes the best one but the least likely to happen -you and juan have some intimate moments (LOL not sure if this is kosher for this blog but hey just telling it like it is).

Paula Jo said...

Hey Kay, I think you ment Castor oil. Cod liver oil won't do much, it is good for you though. Yay, I'd avoid that too. Go for a long walk, hit the sack and get lots of rest now :)

Left Coast Sister said...

Did you know only 10% of people deliver on their due dates? (Or something like that, I'm great at getting statistics wrong.) Maybe she's just waiting for you to forget about her for a moment, and make a mad dash to Target... then she'll arrive... Or maybe on Sunday, say, at 10.45 a.m. (; Hang in there... (Juan, too, by the way...)

Growininwillows said...

Keep thinking of you as the days pass by....Hoping to hear baby news soon!