
Showing posts from January, 2007

It's official!!

Well, a year and a half later, I dragged my butt to the social security office and DMV and am now officially a Valdes. I'm still a little scared to change all my credit cards and bank stuff over, it seems incredibly complicated. Any advice from anyone who has done it? I'd love for someone to tell me it's not as big a pain as it seems like it will be... P.S. Argggh!! The STUPID KINGS!!!!!! (i'm watching the game while typing this, in case you can't tell)

Getting the baby's room ready!

Well, we finally finished the baby's room. We have what i think is the most beautiful crib and dresser in the world, but I'm a little biased, mostly because I picked it out and I like to think of myself as having infallible taste. Here are some pictures of us painting, etc. Finished pictures to come soon, as soon as I kick this latest nasty little bug. They just seem to pile up on me lately! See? I helped! (I'm wearing my fancy painting clothes and sporting my fancy painting hairdo, in case you haven't noticed) Juan had to do all the crouching and detail work. Luckily he's such a good sport. Isn't he cute when his hair sticks all up like that? He's my hero for figuring this thing out!! (It wasn't a pretty picture there for awhile) The finished product. I love the pink stuff, it's so self-indulgent. Adults can't really adorn themselves in pink the way babies can.