
Showing posts from October, 2008


So Scarlett's climbing out of her crib now. We videotaped her to see how she does it and it's quite the process! So, needless to say, the last two nights we've been woken up by little feet coming into our room and then a loud "BAAA" noise. Which is Scarlett speak for "Wake up!!!" I honestly don't know what to do. I think she's too young for a big-girl bed. I don't think she can comprehend the idea of staying in her own room, especially if she has unlimited access to the rest of the house. I was thinking about a crib tent, but I'm afraid she'll freak out. But I'm more afraid that she's going to hurt herself climbing out of her crib in the middle of the night. AHHH. Just when you think you have things figured out....

hair cut

Scarlett had a little bit of a "bangs in the face" problem. So she got her first trim! She was a very good girl and sat VERY still when the scissors came near!!

Just Scarlett!

With her friend and neighbor Addie I don't know if she was fake sleeping or smiling in her sleep! She's started to enjoy putting her finger in her nose... uh oh!! It's not "picking" yet, though!! Scarlett likes to take her Mr. Potato head glasses and read!! I think she thinks she's being like Mommy and Daddy!


Of course we went up to Camanche a lot this summer!! And of course I always forgot to bring my camera! Ready for the water!! We went up with our neighbors...Scarlett and Addie had a great time getting into the stuff under the sink! With nana in the boat!


she rides with the luggage! With Daddy at one mile Playing with Ryan Dancing with the music at concert in the park! At Caper Acres... a cool park that I never visited ONCE the whole time I lived in Chico!! I never even knew it existed!! This is a little late... but we've been busy!! Here are some pictures of what we've been doing since the end of summer! In August, we went to visit our friends Ryan and Shari in Chico. It felt like we were going home. It was neat to get to introduce Scarlett to all the places where we used to hang out!!