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Monday, April 28, 2008


You might have wondered where I've been... MOVING. It's exhausting!! Anyway, so we're finally getting settled so expect an update soon. We love our new house, but we hate the work involved! I remember when I was in college, when moving was just loading up my Honda Civic and going around the corner. And I thought THAT was hard work. Anyway, so hope everyone's well!!


Mariposa Castro said...

Sandro, Mom and I have been praying for you all, hoping Scarlett loves her new digs. Hope you post pictures soon, Sandro and I would so love to see this new house and what it's like.

Keep the faith, it will finish. Thanks for dropping us readers a line.

Anonymous said...

I loved the "cheese" video. She totally talks, continually, like her mommy. You absolutely captured "Scarlett" in that one. loveuuuuuuuuuu